Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sankarea - Final Impressions

What started off as a promising series ended on a somewhat bittersweet note.  Reading back on my initial impressions of Sankarea from this spring, I was wary of what to expect.  I didn't like zombies, and I was worried that Sankarea would take a more serious approach to the subject.  While it was a darker than other certain zombie animes, I was surprised at how much humor the writers were able to inject into the show.

Nonetheless, the show started to slow down somewhat in the middle.  Some of the filler episodes were interesting, but I almost wish that either they didn't occur, or the show had more episodes.  As a result, the arc with Rea's father seemed to end prematurely, and the finale was much more somber than I expected.  Chihiro, through most of the episode, was burdened with the knowledge that he alone held the responsibility to keep Rea safe until a cure could be found.  On the other hand, Rea was directly confronted with Ranko as a rival.  Then there's the open-ended ending, with Rea biting Chihiro because her zombie instincts took over.

Overall, taking into consideration the entire series, I would say that it was fairly mediocre.  If they had more episodes to work with, I might re-consider my opinion.  As it is, they let too many questions go unanswered for me to be satisfied.

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