Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Acchi Kocchi - 11

Eek!  Acchi Kocchi, you're killing me!  Did what I think happened actually happen, or are Tsumiki and Io embarrassed because it nearly happened?  I wanna know!

The group kicks off the New Year by going to the shrine and watching the sunrise, followed by a day of playing games, making mochi, and eating at Sakaki's house.  In usual Acchi Kocchi fashion, I was giggling throughout the first half of the show, especially during parts like when Io wished that Sakaki's wishes didn't come true, and when one of Sakaki's arrow got lodged in Mayoi's bun.  Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling that Sakaki and Mayoi would make a GREAT couple?

As for the second half, not that the gags weren't funny, but the "did they or didn't they kiss" really stole the show at the end and basically wiped most of the second half from my brain.  The reason why I think it's possibly that they did kiss was because in one scene, Io is much closer to Tsumiki than before or after.  Gah!  Where do we go from here?  Wherever it is, I'm glad that Io is finally starting to clue in on Tsumiki's feelings for him.  Hopefully they don't leave us hanging with the next episode!

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