Monday, June 11, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera - 11

And we have another puzzle piece added to the mix, the legend of the three gods and the Tamayori princess sealing away the Oni.

After watching this episode and reading some speculation on other blogs, it seems that if Takuma really is the Oni (which makes sense - there was a seal on his hand that seemingly awakened after Logos retrieved the last artifact), then Suguru, Yuuichi, and Mahiro correspond to the three gods of the legend.  Tamaki is, of course, the Tamayori princess, but the real question is "who is Shinji"?  What is his role?  And we find out for sure this episode that the sword used to defeat the Oni is the Onikirimaru, the power of the gods.  My guess is that if the seal on the sword breaks, it also breaks the seal on the Oni, giving back its powers and reawakening it.  I did find it interesting that the rest of the legend was scribbled out - another mystery to behold.

While I enjoyed this latest development (especially the development between Tamaki and Takuma!), I still feel like they need to answer the other half dozen questions that have come up.  Kiyono still remains suspicious to me, with her babbling of not being young anymore and missing youth, while her uncle is super shady.  Then there's Logos and the dissension of ranks going on, plus Ryou and Shinji and the voices Tamaki is hearing in her sleep (who are they?  why does it make her sad?) AND the photo of the woman that Suguru was holding several episodes ago that was never brought up again...well, I'm someone who likes to have answers.  I understand that perhaps they're foreshadowing future events, but I wish they wouldn't throw in so many questions without answering any of them while still adding to the pile of questions.

But back to Tamaki and Takuma.  I wasn't the only one who caught onto Takuma's intended question when he asked Tamaki how she felt about Mahiro, right?  And the ending...squee!  That's a fangirl squeal for you.

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