Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Acchi Kocchi - 03

Watching a snow episode while the outside temperature nearly hits 100 degrees had me sighing quite a bit.

While Mayoi and Sakaki really stole the first half of the episode with their crazy snowball weapons during the snowball fight, it was Tsumiki that had me cracking up as she dodged all the snowballs that were thrown at her, broke through a giant snowball, then threw her snowball ever so calmly at Mayoi to win the fight.  She's too cute!  Io also had his moments of hilarity while breaking up the snowballs with chopsticks, while Hime, adorable and clumsy as ever, made me chuckle when she slips, falls, and unintentionally drops snowballs on both Io and Sakaki.  That's not to mention the hilarity that ensued before the snowball fight - Tsumiki agreeing to go outside when Mayoi  and Sakaki holds Io hostage, Io blowing steam on top of Tsumiki's head, and Mayoi getting stuck and Io leaving her there because of her underwear.

Then there's the second half where Tsumiki wants to wow Io with her cooking skills.  They brought in three more characters this time that added to the humorous episode, especially Kana, who decided experiment to see whether onions affect the eyes or nose at Mayoi's expense. 

This show has the ability to make me giggle and go awww within minutes of each other.  The hilarious situations and gags are continuously funny, and I haven't gotten sick of the humor yet.

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