Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Acchi Kocchi - First Impressions

I wasn't planning watching this show, but I'm very, very glad I did.

Similar to other slice of life comics, such as A-Channel or Lucky Star, Acchi Kocchi is an anime about a group of friends living their normal life.  I generally don't watch shows like this, but another blog's preview of it drew me in, and I'm glad it did.  What separates this anime from all the other ones is that while there's a core group of friends, it also focuses on the non-requited love of the two main characters: Tsumiki, the tsundere who has a crush on Io, who is completely oblivious.  And then there are the friends who are completely unique from one another and adds quite a bit to the comedy.

I'm not 100% sure I'll keep up with blogging this, mainly because with most slice of life shows, there's not too much I can say about it each episode.  What I can say, though, is that Tsumiki is the cutest character this season (although Haru from Accel World, in my opinion, is a close second!).  The tininess!  Those little hands!  The cat ears!  Another thing I enjoyed about this is Okamoto Nobuhiko's characterization of Io.  When I saw that he was the seiyuu, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm glad he went with the very calm, very mellow voice rather than his "crazy" voice.  Also, while most of these types of shows just make me chuckle, I was literally laughing out loud.  There's something about this show's particular type of humor that I really enjoyed. 

I'm not sure how I feel about the show cutting up the episode into separate parts.  It makes for a somewhat choppy viewing of the episode, but I can see why they did what they did.  I do kind of wish it was one continuous episode though.  All in all, however, I loved the show's humor and can't wait to see more of Tsumiki - I can't get over how cute and tiny she is!

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