Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Accel World - 03

Whew!  This episode was so chock full of information that it has my brain whirling!

The biggest thing that I took away from this episode is that I don't really trust Kuroyukihime.  There's just something about her coolly telling Haru that she was one of the original seven kings but turned on the other Level 9 players to level up that didn't sit right with me.  I mean, she betrayed and beheaded one of the kings as they were calling for a peace treaty!  All to meet the creator and find out the purpose of the game?  Doesn't seem like a very good reason to me.  The blame may lie with the writers in the show since it sounds like they're putting to much effort in the "why do we exist?" question-of-life disguised as a role playing game.  If they are indeed trying to do that, it's a little bit silly. 

With that aside, I found the dynamics of Haru and Chiyu's relationship very interesting.  Reading between the lines (and from other blogs), it seemed like Haru pushed Chiyu into accepting Taku's confession two years ago in order to preserve their friendship, but then slowly grew resentful at the two of them together.  He can't stand at how great they are with each other, and so pushed them away, but at the same time still idolizes them in a way that doesn't make for a healthy friendship. 

The biggest criticism I had with this episode is the way Haru just blindly followed Kuroyukihime's orders.  He just violated one of his best friend's privacy!  I know he did it to prove Kuroyukihime wrong, but still.  Not to mention, wouldn't Chiyu catch on to what he's doing with the way his fingers are moving through her folders in front of her?  Anyways, I don't believe that Chiyu is the mysterious Cyan Pyle, and I have my guesses as to who it really is, but we'll see how that unfolds.


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