Monday, March 26, 2012

Rinne no Lagrange - Final Impressions

The last episode was definitely not what I was expecting the finale to be for the first season.

None of the questions that have popped up over the twelve episodes have been answered, including (but not limited to): what exactly is Rin-ne?  What was that giant flower thing to appear over the city?  Why did Aura just stop working?  What happened to Villaguilio that made him leave his planet, and what was the tragedy that caused Yurikano to disappear?  What is Moid's plan?  He's the most obvious villain, but nothing has been revealed about him yet.  Then there's Asteria, the newest mystery to crop up. Who is she, and what is her role in all of this? 

The way they decided to show what happened also confused me so much I had to double check that I was watching the right episode.  Regardless, the tone of the whole episode was so bittersweet and melancholic that it really unnerved me after the action from the last episode.  The whole goodbye scene between Madoka and Lan was so sad that I teared up; Madoka's sadness about being left behind was really heartfelt, and the way everything went back to "normal" made my heart break for her.

But fear not, season two will be starting in the summer!  This was a show that I decided to pick up on a whim, and it was one of the best shows this season.  Madoka, Lan, and Muginami were characters that were so complex and unique that I absolutely loved them from the start.  I thought the first few episodes were slow to start, but once they picked up, I was really glad I stayed with the show.  Looking forward to next season!

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