Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera - First Impressions

The first episode aired earlier this month as a pre-air, and the second episode doesn't air until April 9th.  It was a pretty fast-paced episode that set up the plot and introduced most of the characters.  Kasuga Tamaki arrives in her grandmother's village only to be attacked by strange creatures soon after.

She's saved by Onizaki Takuma and is soon told by her grandmother that gods are real but when no longer worshipped, ghosts are born.  Tamaki herself is a Tamayori princess who's job is to seal Onikimaru, a god's first resolution with the power to destroy the world.  Her grandmother's time as the Tamayori princess is almost up, so now it's Tamaki's turn to strengthen the seal.

Tamaki soon meets her other guardians, members of the Shogo family that are sworn to protect the Tamayori princess.  So far, we have Atori Mahiro, Komura Yuuichi, and Oomi Suguru.

So far, the premise seems interesting.  I only hope that Tamaki proves to be a strong, capable heroine, and that the plot doesn't veer off into the weird and ridiculousness (much like, in my opinion, Hakuoki).  But an anime that is geared towards females with yummy male characters (like Hakuoki was before it got soap opera-y)?  Yes, please!

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