Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Accel World - 21 & 22

I'm so over this whole Nomi arc.

With only two more episodes to go, it's obvious that they'll be ending the series with beating Nomi, which means we won't get a chance to see the resolution of the possible Chrome Disaster residing in Haru. 

Niko comes back in episode 9 as her lovable yet entirely insane self.  I love how she goes from cute and adorable to fucking crazy in the blink of an eye.  After agreeing to help Taku master the Incarnate System, she sends Haru off with her friend and legion member, Blood Leopard, to try and find answer of how Nomi is not appearing on the player list.  This leads us to Rust Jigsaw, someone who has been appearing in duels without appearing on the player list as well.

Luckily, the battle in the next episode was not drawn out.  Blood Leopard and Silver Crow easily take him down and are even able to find him in the real world briefly before losing him.  However, due to the brief glimpse that Haru was able to catch of him, he was able to figure out how Nomi and this guy were able to connect: through a brain implant chip that was discontinued and made illegal.  Now, Haru and Nomi are going to fight in a winner-takes-all duel to settle score.

A few notes: Blood Leopard explains to Haru that the Incarnate System is made possible through the holes of the soul and by using it, the player is drawn towards the hole's darkness.  The first Chrome Disaster was the result of overusing the Incarnate System and the kings have tried to keep it a secret ever since.  Also, I still have no idea why Chiyu has allied with Nomi.  And throwing herself like that at Haru?  I don't get it.  Aren't she and Taku supposed to be together?  Not once through the entire series has that been made clear.  Also, the worst part about this entire arc is that Hime has been absent almost the entire time.  Sure, she had two episodes to herself and few glimpses here and there, but it's not the same thing as watching her make her moves on Haru every episode!  And the series is almost over!  Which means, unless they have a second season, no more Hime.  Sadness! 

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